College Library

The library is the nerve-centre of the College. It is positioned to cater for the information needs of staff, students and the entire College community. It is rich in both print and electronic information resources that are aimed at improving teaching, learning and research activities. The personnel are seasoned information practitioners with wealth of experiences and willingness to provide necessary services that will facilitate career advancement and fulfillment of all stakeholders. It is responsible for the acquisition and processing of all the books, journals, e-books, e-journals, databases to meet the information needs of staff and students of the college community. The main Library and various School Libraries have a combined seating capacity for 1,740 readers.
In order to ensure efficient service delivery, the library operations have been structured into six Departments as follows:-

  • 1. The Polytechnic Librarian’s Office
  • 2. Readers’ Services Department
  • 3. Technical Services Department
  • 4. Serials Department
  • 5. Information and Communication Technology Department
  • 6. Archive, Research and Documents Department


A. Ebsco-Host databases
URL : https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=uid

B. MyiLibrary
URL : http://myilibrary.com

C. Jstor URL : http://jstor.org

D. Science Direct
URL : http://sciencedirect.com

E. Agora
URL : http://research4life.org

F. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education.
Web address- https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tojde  (Users are to copy the link "https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tojde" and paste on any browser for access)

Web address- https://taylorfrancis.com/  (Users are to copy the link "https://taylorfrancis.com/" and paste on any browser for access)

The Libraries are located as follows:

  • · Main Library
  • · School of Engineering
  • · Schools of Arts, Printing & Design
  • · School of Technical Education
  • · School of Environmental Studies
  • · Department of Agricultural Technology, Epe
  • · School of Management and Business Studies


The main Library is made up of 6 (Six) Departments namely:
The Polytechnic Librarian’s Office which is the Administrative centre of the Library coordinating the Library activities within and outside the College. · Readers Services · Technical Services · Serials · Information & Communication Technology · Archives, Research and Documents.

This is the administrative centre of the Library, where all Library activities and operations are directed and coordinated. All Library communications with the College Management and the public pass through the desk of the Polytechnic Librarian.

This is the public relations unit of the Library, the responsibilities and duties of the department include, registration of all eligible Library patrons (students and staff), in the College community; charging and discharging of Library books; shelving and shelf reading; keeping and maintenance of all reference and audio-visual materials and making them available to Library users as well as keeping statistical records of Patrons and book consulted.

This is the department responsible for the acquisition, cataloguing and classification of the books in the library. The Department also undertakes repairs of all defective library books and journals and contributes to the National Union catalogue of Nigeria. It is further responsible for generating computer work sheets for the ICT Department. Production, filling and maintenance of the Library catalogue cards are undertaken by the department.

This department is in charge of sourcing, acquiring and processing of both print and electronic Journals. The College Library with the approval of the College Management subscribed to the EBSCOHOST database (ebscohost.co,) which enhances access to current subjects related E-journals.

This department is in charge of computerization of Library operations. This department is responsible for managing all the computers on Local Area Network in the Library. The department uses the Lib-Plus Library Software Package to carry out its functions. The department oversees the Computer Laboratory (E-Resource Centre) equipped with fifty (50) flat screen desktop computer system being used by staff and students for lecture and research.

This department serves as the College archives by virtue of its collections. The unit acquires, preserves and makes rare documents available and accessible to users; assists in the research works of staff and students. It keeps Gazettes, Editorials, Legal documents, Building plans Convocation Speeches, Lectures, Seminar Papers, Past Question Papers etc for reference purposes.